About me and my journey with yoga

About me

My name is Marianne and I’m a fully qualified Yoga instructor. I did my teacher training with the British Wheel (yogacampus) in 2011 as a self-indulgence really. I had a desire to deepen my yoga practice, I wanted more!

I kept up a regular practice as I continued in my fashion career until 2014 when I had my first child. Life then with two small children changed and I was able to start teaching my passion to others.

My Journey

My yoga journey started in my early twenties. I had found through University that exercise eased and help manage my mental stress, but I had a stiff body and recurring back problems partly due to posture. Someone suggested yoga!

For me it was a slow burn….. in my twenties I found the stillness difficult, the pace slow and I fought with my ever busy mind! I dipped in and out of various styles of yoga trying lots of things. But in my early 30’s I discovered strength and flow through new teachers I practiced with and the desire started from there.